
209 West Highway 199 Suite 100 Springtown, TX 76082

Teeth Whitening Springtown TX

Dentist for the whole family.
Contact us today for more information!

Beautify Your Smile At Springtown Smiles

We believe everyone should be able to achieve a beautiful and bright smile. To help enhance your appearance, we have collaborated with the latest innovation in teeth whitening technology: GLO Science . It uses an advance system which is effective, and patient feels no pain! The system uses cutting-edge technology to deliver remarkable results.

GLO Teeth Whitening- The Procedure

GLO Science Professional Chairside Whitening lightens the color of stained and dull teeth by using GLO Science Professional Strength Whitening Gel in conjunction with a specific GLO Science Professional Mouthpiece and Control. The whitening gel is applied to the teeth, and the mouthpiece activates the gel.

The GLO Chairside System uses the mouthpiece to directly apply heat and light to the GLO Professional Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Gel, creating a closed sealed system.

The closed system prevents whitening oxygen from escaping the teeth, resulting in both maximum efficacy and greatly decreased sensitivity in the shortest amount of possible time.

Why Choose GLO For Teeth Whitening?

GLO makes teeth whitening simple. Other whitening solutions require trays that have to be worn for long treatment sessions. However, GLO uses revolutionary technology to make the treatment quick and comfortable.

Abbreviated as Guided Light Optic, GLO uses a blue light to illuminate and warm the whitening gel to make the treatment effective in a short period of time. Our GLO treatment save your time, reduce sensitivity, and is proven as a great alternative to other teeth whitening products.

GLO Whitening: Dual Effect

GLO Dual Whitening offers you access to both in-office and take-home treatments. That way, you will get an initial session at our office and then be able to take home a GLO whitening kit that maintains the brightness of your smile.